Cloud Computing

List of Best AWS monitoring tools for your AWS Infrastructure

List of Best AWS monitoring tools for your AWS Infrastructure Introduction AWS is a powerful platform that offers a vast array of cloud-based services to businesses of all sizes, but administrating these services and keeping them functional can be a challenging task, particularly for newbies. Amazon monitoring tools and services can help you manage your […]

Say Goodbye to Servers: An Introduction to Serverless

Say Goodbye to Servers: An Introduction to Serverless Introduction A recent development in the field of cloud computing is Serverless computing, which frees developers from worrying about the infrastructure’s so they can concentrate on developing code. In this arrangement, the user only pays for the resources they really utilize, and the cloud provider is in […]

Infrastructure as Code: Automating Cloud Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure as Code: Automating Cloud Infrastructure Management “Infrastructure as a Code” (IaC) is gaining popularity in the technological world. But what is IaC exactly, and why is it so crucial in today’s cloud computing environment? You will learn the fundamentals of IaC and how vital they are to DevOps and cloud infrastructure management in this […]

What is AWS CloudShell

What is AWS CloudShell? CloudShell is a browser-based, pre-authenticated shell, you can run AWS CloudShell directly from the AWS Management Console. You can execute AWS CLI commands over AWS services using your selected shell, such as Bash, PowerShell, or Z shell, so no local installation or configuration is required to execute this.   A computing environment based on Amazon Linux 2 is created when you launch AWS […]

What is Auto Scaling in AWS

What is Auto Scaling in AWS? AWS  auto scaling is a great feature that provides the ability to monitor your applications and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. With Auto-scaling you can scale out/in resources (servers, database, storage, etc.) automatically based on the pre-defined threshold for the metrics […]

What is AWS shared responsibility model

What is AWS shared responsibility model? The Shared Responsibility Model is a structure for cloud security that describes the responsibilities of cloud service providers and consumers. Cloud provider offers to consumers a range of cloud services such as computing, virtual private network, database storage, content delivery, etc. Cloud provider offers the service and consumers makes advantage […]

What is scalability in cloud computing

What is scalability in cloud computing? Scalability is one of the primary attributes to keep in mind, while designing or developing your software product. It is a measure of the system’s ability to efficiently handle the users’ requests with an increase or decrease on demand. Scaling helps to manage a good balance between performance and […]

Understanding Types of Cloud Computing: A Practical Overview

Types Of Cloud Computing Cloud computing can be separated into two types: Deployment Model and Service Model. Cloud Deployment Model Cloud deployment models are a configuration of environment to declare how the cloud services are available to users. The deployment model can be separated by some parameters such as ownership, size of infrastructure, who can […]

Cloud Computing 101: Things You Need to Know.

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is a model to access IT resources (servers, storage, databases, networking, set of application services, etc.) as a service through internet. It allows applications and services to run on a distributed network using virtualization technology.Today almost everyone uses cloud computing such as startups, organizations, IT professionals, analysts, and individual users. […]

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