Author : Amar Kushwaha

AWS S3 Website Hosting : The Ultimate Guide for Hosting Static Website

AWS S3 Website Hosting : The Ultimate Guide for Hosting Static Website Introduction Are you looking for an efficient way to host your static website? Look no further than AWS S3 hosting! Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the web. […]

A Beginner’s Guide to CRUD Operations in DynamoDB

A Beginner’s Guide to CRUD Operations in DynamoDB Objective The objective of this article is to help you understand CRUD Operations in DynamoDB. In this article, you will learn about to create a DynamoDB table using the CloudFormation template and perform the create, read, update, and delete data using the AWS CLI tool. Prerequisites Step-1: […]

How to deploy .NET 6 application in Elastic beanstalk from visual studio

How to deploy .NET 6 application in Elastic beanstalk from visual studio Objective The objective of this article to demonstrate how to deploy a .NET6 application in AWS Elastic beanstalk from visual studio. Prerequisites Step-1: Build .NET6 Web Application with visual studio If you don’t have an .NET6 based web app you can create by […]

How to Build and deploy AWS Lambda function with .NET 6

Build and deploy AWS Lambda function with .NET 6 Objective The objective of this article to demonstrate how to build and deploy a .NET6 application in AWS lambda. Prerequisites Step-1: Build .NET6 based AWS lambda from Visual Studio Create a new .NET 6 Lambda Function Project Write Lambda function Create a supporting model class “Customer.cs” […]

How to create and deploy S3 bucket using CloudFormation template

How to create and deploy S3 bucket using CloudFormation template? Objective Create a CloudFormation stack that creates an S3 bucket with some commonly used options. Prerequisites for this lab Cloud formation template example to create AWS S3 bucket Create a new file called “create-s3-cf.template” and paste the following code to create a simple S3 bucket. […]

How to Setup AWS Auto Scaling

How to setup AWS Auto Scaling? Objective The objective of setting this AWS auto-scaling lab is to ensure that your application can handle network traffic by automatically adjusting the number of EC2 instances that are running. AWS AutoScaling allows scale resources up or down through a pre-defined threshold, which helps you only pay for the […]

How to setup AWS application load balancer

How to setup AWS application load balancer? Objective The objective of this AWS Application Load Balancer lab is to learn how to create and configure an AWS Application Load Balancer to distribute incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances in different availability zones. Prerequisites for this lab Steps by step guide for creating AWS application load […]

Say Goodbye to Servers: An Introduction to Serverless

Say Goodbye to Servers: An Introduction to Serverless Introduction A recent development in the field of cloud computing is Serverless computing, which frees developers from worrying about the infrastructure’s so they can concentrate on developing code. In this arrangement, the user only pays for the resources they really utilize, and the cloud provider is in […]

How to Create EC2 Windows Instance

How to Create EC2 Windows Instance Prerequisites – Create Key-Pair and Security Group How to create EC2 Windows Instance using AWS management console How to connect EC2 Windows Instance from RDP The private key (Created in Prerequisite step-2) is required to decrypt the administrator password. You need to decrypt the password to connect to your […]

Easy way to understand AWS IAM permissions and policy

Easy way to understand AWS IAM permissions and policy Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a security service that helps to manage access for AWS resources.  Authentication and authorization are important for the security of any system. This tutorial will help you to understand the AWS IAM entities and how to control permissions on AWS services/resources. […]

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