AWS Certified Solution Architect – Associate

AWS Certified Solution Architect – Associate

Course Details:

This online course is designed for experienced IT professionals who have on-premises IT experience and an understanding of mapping on-premises to the cloud. The main focus of this course is understanding the AWS Well-Architected Framework, security, cost, and performance-optimized solutions. This AWS certification can boost your credibility and confidence in stakeholder and consumer relations, as well as your career profile and revenues. It will also help in your exam preparation for the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate.

AWS Account Setup, Presentations, Hands-On Labs, Best Practices, and Discussions are all available in this course.

Level : Associate


  • Have a basic understanding of IT
  • There is no requirement for prior AWS cloud knowledge because we will teach you the basics of cloud computing.
  • It’s advantageous for candidates who have a fundamental knowledge of IT services and programming.

Course Content:

  • Introduction
  • Cloud Computing basics
    • What is cloud computing, deployment model, service model, etc.
  • AWS Account Setup – Free Tier
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
    • AWS Region, Availability zone, edge location, CDN
  • AWS Global and Regional Services
  • Setup Billing and Cost Alarm
  • IAM – Identity and Accesses Management
    • Users, Groups, Roles, Policies, MFA, etc.
    • Active Directory /Web Identity Federation
    • IAM Advanced
    • Lab – Setup IAM, AWS SDK, and CLI
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • Basics of S3, Bucket, security, tiered storage, encryption, etc.
    • Lab – Create S3 Bucket
    • Lab – Host Website in S3 Bucket
    • Lab – Versioning, replication, encryption, etc.
  • Other AWS Storage Services
  • Cloud Front – Content delivery network
  • AWS EC2 – Elastic Compound Cloud
    • EC2 configuration, EBS, Windows, Linux instance, etc.
  • AWS EC2 Instance Storage
    • Lab – Create Windows and Linux EC2 instance (Webserver)
  • High Availability and Scalability in AWS
    • ELB, ASG, etc.
    • Lab – Setup Load balancer and auto-scaling group
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    • Lab – Setup Elastic Beanstalk
  • AWS Lambda – Serverless computing
    • Functions, triggers, advantages of lambda, etc.
    • Lab – Create Lambda functions and tigers
  • Databases services
    • RDS, Aurora, ElasticCache, DynamoDB, etc.
    • Lab – Setup database instance
  • Designing Application in AWS – Examples
  • Designing Serverless based application -Examples
  • AWS Global Infrastructure services
    • Route53, AWS Global accelerator, S3 transfer acceleration, AWS local zones, etc.
    • Lab – Setup Route 53
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • VPC basics, Elastic IPs, Subnets, Route tables, Internet gateways, NAT Devices, ENI, VPC endpoints, VPC peering, VPC Security, Security groups, Network ACLs
    • Lab – Create custom VPC and components
  • AWS Cloud Monitoring and Audit Services
    • CloudWatch, CloudTrail, X-Ray, etc.
    • Lab – CloudWatch, CloudTrail
  • AWS Compliances and Security Services
    • AWS Certificate Manager, AWS Config, AWS Inspector, Secrets Manager, Parameter Store, CloudHSM, WAF, Shield
  • AWS Cloud Integrations Services
    • SNS, SQS, Amazon MQ, Kinesis, etc.
    • Lab – SNS
  • Container service on AWS
    • ECS, Fargate, ECR, EKS, etc.
    • Lab – ECS
  • Data Analytics and Machine Learning
  • Disaster Recovery and Migration Options in Cloud
  • Well-Architected framework
    • Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance, Cost Optimization, Tools, etc.

Training Materials:

Download course content PPT, PDF, Code, and Hands-On Labs data


Your AWS Mentor

AWS Solution Architect – Associate Exam Domains

Domain1 – Design Resilient Architectures:
  • Design architectures that are fault-tolerant and/or highly available.
  • Select the most suitable resilient storage.
  • Design a multi-tier architectural solution.
  • Design decoupling methods using AWS services.
Domain2 – High-Performing Architectures:
  • Find scalable and elastic computing options for a workload.
  • For a workload, select high-performing networking solutions.
  • For a workload, select storage solutions that are fast and scalable.
  • For a workload, select high-performing database solutions.
Domain3 – Design Secure Applications and Architectures:
  • Design secure access to AWS Cloud resources.
  • Design secure application in the cloud environment.
  • Select right data security solutions.
Domain4 – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures:
  • Find cost-effective compute, storage and database services.
  • Create cost-optimized network infrastructures.
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